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Requirements for dielectric properties of the submerged pump

    According to different media that the submerged pump deliveries, the requirements of the submerged pump is not the same. They are summarized as follows:

    If the submerged pump deliveries submerged pump that it deliveries flammable, explosive, toxic or expensive media. It requires reliable seal or to use no leakage of the pump, such as shield pumps, magnetic drive pumps, diaphragm pumps and so on.
    If the 
submerged pump transports corrosive medium, the parts of flow are required to use corrosion-resistant materials.
    If the 
submerged pump deliveries solid granules medium, a components of the flow are made of wear-resistant material, it is necessary that the seal should be the clean liquid flushing.
    If you want to know more content about the characteristics of the medium pump liquid, please to see official website of Warwick pump company:

上一条:Standard and specification for chemical submerged pump 下一条:Requirements for dielectric properties of the submerged pum