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Safe accident of molten salt pump system

    Safe accident of molten salt pump system

    The system of transferring heat generally consists of molten salt pump, molten salt tank, reactor, molten salt furnace, condenser and other parts. The production of melamine is a typical application of molten salt heat exchange system.
    Shandong Xintai United Chemical company occurs the deflagration accident in 2011 November 19. The accident caused that 14 people were killed. It does not occur the leakage of the toxic and hazardous materials according to field test. At present, the factory has stopped producing. The accident occurred in the 19 day 14. The company is located on the xintai, when the company is checking the condenser, the company occurs the deflagration accident. The reporter saw the scene of the accident, the accident of the chemical factory is located in the township resident of the Taian of Shandong city Province. When the accident occurred, the workers are checking condenser of a melamine project. Now the company still come out the steam after the rescue of the fire, safety supervision. Zhao Jilong that he is the deputy director of the safety bureau said: "at present, the factory has been discontinued after the accident. And the site has no leakage  of the toxic according to the on-site detection. It is currently on the accident of the equipment for decompression treatment, the total National Safety Supervision Bureau relevant responsible person have rushed to the scene of the accident, accident investigation team for further investigation on the cause of the accident, the accident the families of the victims of the comfort and rehabilitation work has been carried out"

上一条:Treatment of the abandoned molten salt in molten salt system 下一条:Determination of speed for molten salt pump