Technology article



What happens when the pipeline centrifugal pump occurs cavit

    When the liquid pressure pipeline centrifugal pump impeller at the entrance to the saturated steam conveying liquid temperature pressure, liquid vaporization; also there may be gas dissolved in a liquid from a liquid, the formation of a large number of small bubbles. When these small bubbles with the liquid flow to the impeller pressure is higher than the critical value of the region because, the bubble is vaporization pressure, and the liquid pressure is higher than the outside vaporization pressure, small bubble in effect around the liquid pressure, will be re condensation, collapse. In the impeller, when the small bubbles collapse after re condensation, like the formation of a hole, then the surrounding liquid at high speed to the hole punching, liquid particle colliding formation of local hydraulic shock, so that the local pressure up to hundreds of atmospheric pressure. The bubble is bigger, the local water caused by the condensation of collapse hammer pressure greater. If the bubble is in the leaf Metal honeycomb 2500 metal wheel near the surface collapse, the liquid particle like countless small warhead, continuous blow on the metal surface. The hydraulic impact, the speed is very fast, at frequencies up to 1 / s, the material surface gradually fatigue damage caused by metal surface erosion, and size corrosion hole. If the resulting bubble also mixed with some active gas (such as oxygen and so on), with their bubble condensation emits heat, so that the local temperature rises up to 200-300C, the metal electrochemical corrosion, the more quickly the metal of the extent of the damage. The gas vaporization and condensation, the impact and the erosion phenomenon called cavitation.

    Instability in the cavitation process, causing pump vibration and noise, also due to the cavitation bubbles clog impeller channel, so this flow, head decreased, decreased efficiency, serious when can’t work normally, so the pump at work, be sure to prevent the occurrence of cavitation phenomenon. Once the occurrence of cavitation to immediately stop the pump and confined to export valve, pump completely emptying, re perfusion pump. Are you sure pump fluid filled, and then start.

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