Technology article



Daily maintenance of high level chemical molten salt pump

    (1)We should check that the chemical pump pipeline and the combination have loose phenomenon or not. Turn the chemical pump by hands and look at the chemical pump whether it is flexible.

    (2) Unscrew the drain plug of the chemical pump and fill water (or lead paste).
    (3) If it is found abnormal sound in the chemical pump, you should be stopped immediately.
    (4) We should close the gate valve of the water outlet pipe, the outlet pressure gauge and the inlet vacuum gauge.
    (5) We can move the motor to see the turning of motor whether it is right or not.
    (6) You can start the motor firstly. when the chemical pump is normal operation, open the export pressure gauge and imported vacuum pump as it shows the appropriate pressure, gradually open the valve, and check the motor load.
    (7) As far as possible to control the flow of the chemical pump and head that it is in the range of signs to ensure the maximum efficiency of the chemical pump operation. If so, it can obtain saving effect of the maximum energy.
    (8) In the course of operation, the temperature of bearing can’t exceed the ambient temperature (350C), the maximum temperature shall not exceed 800C.
    (9) Adding the bearing lubrication oil to the bearing, you should observe that the oil level should be in the center line of standard oil, lubricating oil should be replaced or supplemented.
    (10) To stop the use of chemical pumps, the first is to close the gate valve, the pressure gauge, and then stop the motor.
    (11) Chemical pump is in the first month of work, replacement of oil is every 100 hours. Then you should change the oil every 500 hours.
    (12)We should regularly adjust packing gland and ensure that the drip condition is normal (to drop out as appropriate).
    (13) We should regularly check abrasion of the shaft sleeve. If the abrasion is big, we should change in time.
    (14)When the chemical pump is used in the winter season, we should unscrew lower drain plug to put the net of the medium to prevent the cracking after stopping the pump body.
    (15) If the chemical pump is long-term disabled, we should need to pump all apart and dry water. The moving parts and combination apply grease to the installed for safekeeping.

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