Technology article



Shunt line of the conformal transformation method

    Shunt line of conformal transformation method

    Stream surface is a space surface and it is directly painting line on the stream surface. It is not easily to represent streamline shape and variation of the angle. Therefore, we should try to stream surface that it is unfolded into a flat. We can draw a line in the unfolded plane. Then, we can draw in the unfolding map.
    The conformal transformation is to ensure that the spatial stream surface streamline and the circumference of the direction angle are invariant transform. In the plane streamline need to be equal with the circumferential direction angle and space streamline angle. The length of opening streamline and shape may not be the same. Because of the similar, rather than the pursuit the equal, we can be envisaged the flow into a cylindrical surface, and the cylindrical surface is cut along the bus into the plane.
    If you want to know more about the content of the molten salt pump, please see Warwick pump company official website:

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