Technology article



The maximum efficiency point of high temperature submerged p


    The maximum efficiency point of high temperature submerged pump

    In the selection of high temperature liquid pump, we should select that the efficiency is in the maximum efficiency point (BEP) or near it as far as possible. The movement in any other point will cause vibration of pump pressure pulsation and high temperature liquid. These factors can cause damage to the bearing and the motor overload.
    The maximum efficiency point of the high temperature liquid pump is determined by the design of the pump. For a single pump, if speed is determined, the maximum efficiency is also identified. The efficiency area of some pump is wide and the corresponding is relatively large range of pump performance parameters.
    The selection of the high temperature liquid pump. First of all, you should determine the performance parameters and require the range of performance parameters is small as far as possible. Then we should be based on the performance parameters of the pump to select. We should require the performance parameters that it is in efficiency area of the pump, it is best at the point of maximum efficiency. So it can ensure high temperature liquid pump efficiency, stable and long-term operation. At the same time, it can reduce noise pollution and save energy.

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