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Maintenance philosophy of the molten salt pump

    One of the major requirements of Molten Salt Reactors is that components, systems, and subsystems perform for long periods of time without malfunction or failure because of the difficulty and expense of maintaining highly radioactive egiipment. As a result design, fabrication, equipment selection, and installation work will be directed toward the goal of obtaining maintenance-free equipment. Therefore, high quality equipment will be installed in the salt pump test stand with critical equipment monitored continuously and shut down for maintenance when failure is impending. Symptoms of impending failure can be detected by visual and audio observations and by pressure, temperature, flow, vibration, and other diagnostic instrumentation. Experience has indicated that symptoms of impending equipment failure usually develop sufficiently far in advance to permit the schedding of maintenance activities without excessive outages or equipment damage.

上一条:Loss of Normal Electrical Power for the molten salt pump 下一条:An accident analysis of the perforation of a molten salt