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Performance regulation of molten salt axial flow pump

    Performance regulation of molten salt axial flow pump
    The performance adjustment of the molten salt axial flow pump is generally used in the following two methods:
    1. The speed regulation. Molten salt shaft flow pump is working under a certain speed, and to obtain the corresponding flow, head, power and efficiency. When the speed changes, its performance parameters are also correspondingly change, so as to achieve the purpose of regulating the. Speed regulating molten salt pump performance, economic, applicable scope is wide.
    2 variable angle adjustment. From the structural point of view, molten salt axial flow pump impeller with enormous wheels, easy to installation angle adjustable blade. When the blade installation angle changes, the leaves of molten salt lift change, thus changing the Jinan Warwick molten salt axial flow pump performance, this is molten salt axial flow pump of the variable angle adjustment. With the blade installation angle increases, small, molten salt shaft flow pump flow, head, power that is to change, however, the highest efficiency did not change, to molten salt axial flow pump performance adjustment.

上一条:Structure of molten salt 下一条: Design points of the submerged pump