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Heat transfer oil as the characteristics of the heat transfe

    Heat transfer oil as the characteristics of the heat transfer medium
    Compared with the traditional heat transfer medium water and water vapor, heat transfer oil has the following characteristics:
    A very high operating temperature can be obtained at almost normal pressure, which can greatly reduce the operating pressure and safety requirements of the high temperature heating system, and improve the reliability of the system and equipment;
    In a wider temperature range to meet the different heating temperature, cooling process requirements, or in a system with a heat-conducting oil while achieving high temperature heating and cooling requirements the process. That can reduce the complexity of the operating system.
    The water treatment system and equipment are omitted, and the heat efficiency of the system is improved, and the maintenance workload of the equipment and the pipeline is reduced, which can reduce the initial investment and operation cost of the heating system; 'cause in the cause of the accident of leakage, heat conducting oil and fire meet may burn, which is a heat conducting oil system and steam system compared to the existing problems. But under conditions of leakage does not occur, because the heat conducting oil system works under the condition of low pressure, so the operation safety is higher than that of water and steam system.
    Compared to the heat conducting oil and other high temperature heat transfer medium of molten salt, at above the operating temperature of 400 DEG C, the molten salt is conductive heat oil in medium heat transfer price and service life has the absolute advantage, but in other ways are in obvious disadvantages, especially in the complexity of the operating system.
    Furnace operation notice:
    Heat-conducting oil furnace is a heat conduction liquid heating medium special type boiler with low pressure high temperature characteristics. With the progress of science and technoloGY and the development of industrial production, organic heat carrier furnace has been constant development and application. The working pressure of the boiler although relatively low, but the heat conduction fluid furnace temperature is high, and most of them have characteristics of flammable and explosive, once in operation of leakage will cause a fire, explosions and other accidents, and even cause casualties and property losses. Therefore, the boiler safe operation and management must attach great importance to.

上一条: Design points of the submerged pump 下一条:The use of molten salt and the matters needing attention