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Attention to the installation of liquid pump

    The installation technological key of the liquid pump is to determine the mounting height (suction) of the pump. The height refers to the vertical distance from the water surface to pump impeller centerline. It is not confused with the vacuum lift of allowing a suction. Product specifications or nameplate of the Warwick liquid pump mark the allowable suction vacuum. It is a vacuum pump the value of the inlet section. It is measured by a test in the 1 standard atmospheric pressure and water temperature 20 degrees Celsius. It does not consider the flow of the suction pipe supporting. The pump mounting height should be allowed to deduct a high vacuum suction on the suction pipe head loss. The part of value the rest is highly absorbent to overcome the actual terrain. 
    It should be noted that, liquid pump installation site elevation and the water temperature is different in the experimental conditions, such as local elevation of 300 meters above or pumping water temperature more than 20 Celsius degree, while the calculated values to be amended. The elevation at atmospheric pressure and higher than 20 degrees centigrade temperature of saturated vapor pressure. However, the water temperature is below 20 degrees Celsius, the saturation vapor pressure can be neglected.
    From the pipeline installation technology, suction pipes require strict sealing, can’t leak, leakage, otherwise it will damage the pump water inlet of the vacuum, the pump to reduce the amount of water, serious when even pumping Sheung Shui to. Therefore, in order to seriously do a good job in the pipeline interface work, ensure the construction quality of the connection pipe.
    More about the liquid pump installation note content, see Warwick pump company official website:

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