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Commissioning: melting of salts and tanks filling process

    The melting process was carried out in an external set-up and it was batch, charge, melting, and discharge. The capacity was between0.8 and 1 ton/h, and was performed 24h/day, 7 days/week.
    When the molten salts level was 700 mm (level to ensure that the immersion heaters were covered), the electrical heaters were connected to back-up the system. When the level of the cold tank was 1900 mm, most of the hot air was taken to the hot tank.
    To be able to switch on the electrical heaters of the hot tank, the molten salt level had to be about 700 mm (to cover the heater). Molten salts were pumped from the cold tank to the hot one through the heat exchanger. Previously the hot tank, heat exchanger and piping were preheated also. The pipes were preheated up to 260C with the tracing.


上一条:The tracing system of the molten salt pump 下一条:Environment conditions of the molten salt pump