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Salt Storage Tank and Transfer Line

    The salt storage tank will be designed to contain the quantity of salt required to fill the pump tank, all the piping in the circulating system, and the transfer line. The salt in the tank can be in liquid or solid form. The tank will be equipped with electric heaters capable of heating the tank and contents to 1200°F. The tank, which is tentatively sized t ft in diam by 12 l/2 ft long, will contain the estimated system salt volume of 100 cu ft and provide for a gas space, the thermally expanded salt, and a heel in the tank. A preliminary analysis indicates that for a design temperature of 1200°F and design pressure of 75 psig, tank wall thicknessof 3/8 in. will suffice.

上一条:Fuction of thesSalt Piping 下一条:Salt Selection