Technology article



Accuracy problem of molten salt pump

    Molten salt pump is the high temperature liquid pump that it is very widely applied. When the motor is in working process, mechanical energy of the motor can convert the energy of molten salt. Manufacturing precision of the molten salt pump directly affect its efficiency. Therefore, it is necessary for the manufacturing precision to study and discuss in this paper. Let us understand the accuracy problem of molten salt pump.
    Molten salt pump performance is molten salt in the pump the movement of the external form of expression, and the movement of the liquid molten salt is decided by the geometry of the part flow by. So, hydraulic flow of molten salt pump in the structure has unique core role, hydraulic flow in manufacturing, assembly accuracy is especially important. Hydraulic passage is to particular geometries exist in parts by heat processing finished casting, by mechanical processing after the assembly to determine the position in the whole system. Therefore, the manufacturing process for each process to take reasonable technology measures, to ensure the pump precision reserves, to meet the factors determining the performance of products.
Molten salt pump hydraulic passage is mainly arranged in the pump body, impeller, pump body flow passage is fixed, the geometrical parameters of the compliance with the design of velocity moment keep theorem; and the impeller shaft and rotates together, due to the action of the impeller blades, motion of the liquid in the impeller by convected motion and phase of movement constitute composite motion. In pump manufacturing process, often because of all sorts of reasons, resulting in machining of pump, after assembly, the geometric center of the rotor of the actual rotation center and hydraulic flow design do not coincide.
    This change in the flow of liquid in the pump that not only affect the pump performance parameters such as flow, head and efficiency decreased, shaft power consumption increase; may also cause mechanical rotor imbalance, affecting pump vibration, overload ultra current fault.

上一条:Selection and application of high temperature molten salt pu 下一条:Three reason of choosing good molten salt pump