Technology article



Series and parallel operation of molten salt pump

    (1) Series operation of two identical pumps
    If two pumps are series, the rate of head and flow is increased. The degree of increase is related to the shape of the device characteristic curve. But they are less than two times of the individual operation.
    (2) The different characteristics of the pumps are in series operation
    If two pumps are in series, pressure of second levels would be increased. Because of this, you should pay attention to check the reliability of the sealing and the shell’s strength. If Pumps work in series, the same flow would distribute the same head.
    (3) Parallel operation of the same characteristic pump
    Due to the existence of pipeline resistance, even though two pumps are in parallel operation, the total synthesis flow is less than 2 times the flow of the separate operation. In parallel operation, the rate of flow decreases with the characteristic curve becomes steep.
    (4) Parallel operation of two different characteristic pumps
    Parallel operation of two pumps would distribute the flow, according to the equal head.
    (5) The selection of series and parallel operation
    If you want to know more about the daily maintenance of molten salt pump, you can log on Warwick pump company official website:

上一条:Flow’s component of molten salt pump 下一条:Selection principle of electric motor for molten salt pump