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Three reason of choosing good molten salt pump

    In daily life, the application of molten salt pump is more and more popular, and also gradually open to individual enterprises. Now, we discuss the three aspects that the molten salt pump had to consider.

    1. The head of the device system is the important performance data to choice the molten salt pump. The general need to use Margin ranges allowance head after enlarging 5%-10% the head to select;
    2. The properties of high temperature molten salt pump include the name of the liquid medium, physical properties, chemical properties and other properties. Physical properties have temperature C, density D, the viscosity u, medium diameter of solid particles, gas content and others, which involves the system's head, effective cavitation margin calculation and the right   type of molten salt pump. Chemical properties mainly refer to the liquid medium corrosive and toxic chemicals. It is an important basis of selection of molten salt pump material and the shaft seal type selection;
    3. Pump flow is one of the important performance data to choose molten salt pump, because it is directly related to the capacity and transmission’s capacity of entire device. For example, using the design process design can calculate the pump to normal, minimum, the largest of the three kinds of flow. Furthermore, you are based on the maximum flow when you choose molten salt pump. At same time, you can take the normal flow into account. When it is in the absence of maximum flow, it is usually preferable to 1.1 times the normal flow of traffic as the largest.

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