Technology article



Operation and characteristics of molten salt pump

    There are many forms and kinds of molten salt pump. Each type of pump has special requirements for the operation and characteristics. Let us simply introduce the characteristics of operation.
    First, if you want to open the pump, you must ensure that the molten salt pump impeller immersed in molten salt in advance.
    Two,if the molten salt system pipeline is blocked, you must ensure that the pump is not damage.
    Three,  if you want to adjust flow, you can be based on the following methods. 1, you can adjust the speed of molten salt pump to change the flow rate; 2, individual cases can also be used to bypass regulation.
    Four, the work pressure regulation 1, the work pressure changes with the flow, if the flow rate increases, the work pressure is reduced; 2, if you adjust the speed of molten salt pump ,working pressure also changes;
    Five, stop the pump. If you want to stop the pump, you must close discharge valve. You also can use other measures to prevent the sudden stop of the molten salt pump.
    If you want to know more about the matching motor of molten salt pump, you can log on Warwick pump company official website:

上一条:Selection principle of electric motor for molten salt pump 下一条:Guidance for selection of molten salt pump