Technology article



Requirements for the installation site of molten salt pump

    Requirements for the installation site of molten salt pump
    The working environment of molten salt pump is different, the requirements of molten salt pump is not the same. Some ideas are summarized as follows:
    If the molten salt pump is installed in the presence of corrosive gas, we should take measures to prevent atmospheric corrosion;
    If the molten salt pump is installed in the outdoor environment temperature below -200C molten salt pump, it is required to consider the phenomenon of cold brittleness of the molten salt pump. We can use low-temperature materials.
    If the molten salt pump is installed in the explosion area, we should be based on the level of the explosion area. We can use the explosion-proof motor.
    If you want to know more about the content of the molten salt pump, please see Warwick pump company official website:

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