Technology article



The content of designing molten salt pump’s impeller

    The impeller of molten salt pump is generally centrifugal impeller. The impeller’s designing mainly has the following ten aspects. You can save the calculation for the molten salt liquid pump.  

    1. You can calculate the ratio’s speed ns according to the design’s parameters.
    2. You should determine the diameter of the import and export3.
    3.Steam muddy calculation
    4. You should determine efficiency
    5 .You should determine power
   6.You should select blade number and angle of inlet or outlet
   7. You can calculate the diameter D2 of impeller.
   8.You can calculate outlet’s width B2 of blade
   9.You should precisely calculate diameter D2 of impeller to meet the requirements
   10.You should draw abrasives drawing
   If you want to know more about the content of the molten salt pump, please see the official website of  Warwick pump company:

上一条:The design criterion of the shell of molten salt pump 下一条:Requirements of chemical equipment for molten salt pump