Technology article



Requirements of chemical equipment for molten salt pump

    Chemical enterprises use that the number of molten salt pump is very much. The requirements of the molten salt pump are not same according to the molten salt pump’s use and function. Those requirements are summarized as follows:

    (1) You must meet the requirements of flow, head, pressure, temperature, and other process parameters.
    (2) You must meet the requirements of the medium’s characteristics:
    (3)You must meet the installation’s requirements of the site.
    (4) The continuous operation’s period of molten salt pump should generally not be less than 8000 hours for annual overhaul factory. In order to meet the requirement that it needs to do a large overhaul every 3 years. APl610 (the 8th Edition) provides the molten salt pump’s continuous operation period at least 3 years that they are used in petroleum, heavy chemical and gas industry.
    (5) The design life of the molten salt pump is generally at least 10 years.APl610 (Eighth Edition) provides that the design life of the centrifugal pump for heavy chemical and gas industries is at least 20 years.
    (6) The design, manufacture and inspection of molten salt pump shall comply with the relevant standards and specifications.
    (7) Molten salt pump’s factory should ensure the molten salt pump in the power supply voltage, frequency range performance. China power supply voltage and frequency range of the voltage? 380V± 10%, 6000V+5%,- 7%, the frequency of 50Hz± 0.5%.
    (8) When you determine the type of molten salt pump and manufacturing plant, you should comprehensively consider the performance, energy consumption, reliability, price and manufacturing specifications and other factors.
    If you want to know more about the content of the molten salt pump, please see the official website of Warwick pump company:

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