Technology article



Specific speed’s calculation of molten salt pump

    Special speed (number) is a comprehensive parameter from the similar theory. It shows the relationship of flow, head, speed. The specific speed of a molten salt pump is different under different working conditions. We generally select the speed as the specific speed in the maximum efficiency condition.

    Specific speed calculation formula. When you calculate the ratio of rotational speed, the units of parameters are as follows:
    1 flow Q: m3/s (double suction molten salt pump to take half)
    2 head H: m
    3 speed n: rpm
    Note: efficiency of the molten salt pump best between 150 to 250 range. When it is below 60, efficiency of molten salt pump decreased significantly when single suction impeller is too large, you can consider to using double suction. When the double suction is too small, you can consider switching to single suction impeller.
    If you want to know more about the content of the molten salt pump, please see Warwick pump company official website:

上一条:Introduction to the selection of molten salt pump 下一条:Selection of pump outlet setting angle