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Technology article
Characteristics and selection’s requirements of molten salt
Characteristics and selection’s requirements of molten salt injection pump
Molten salt injection pump is the pump of injecting molten salt material. The role is to make up the molten salt that the production system requires in order to ensure that the molten salt system can fully heat, such as molten salt liquid pump and so on.
Molten salt injection pump has the following characteristics:
(1) the flow rate is small, no requirement;
(2) work at high temperature, it is generally at about 200;
(3) the head is relatively high;
(4) the pipe of the molten salt pump must be resistant to high temperature.
According to the characteristics of the injection pump, the selection requirements are as follows:
(1) you should select the centrifugal pump;
(2)the flow part of the pump is usually used to wear resistant materials for the medium containing solid particles.
If you want to know more about the content of the molten salt pump, please see official website of Warwick pump company: