KEYWORDS: High temperature molten salt pump


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Monitoring Molten Salt Pumps

release time:2016/10/31 clicks:

    Monitoring Molten Salt Pumps Monitoring molten salt pumps plays a critical role in a predictive maintenance program. These programs are a cost effective option since action is only taken when the equipment shows a progression of failure. Equipment may be shut down before severe and/or sec - ondary damage occurs to the system. Required maintenance work can be scheduled or planned for normal plant shutdowns.

    A multi-technology approach to condition monitoring offers the best analysis of this critical equipment. Vibration analysis, ther - mal analysis of bearings, oil or grease analysis, alignment, horse - power and visual inspections all provide necessary input to condi - tion monitoring.
    Any successful predictive maintenance program includes more than just a technical element. It also involves a human element that is capable of utilizing experience and knowledge in evaluating the technical data so that they work together in maintaining a troublefree molten salt system.