KEYWORDS: High temperature molten salt pump


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The primary advantages of molten nitrate salt as heat fluid

release time:2017/03/14 clicks:

    The primary advantages of molten nitrate salt as the heat transfer fluid for a solar power tower plant include a lower operating pressure and better heat transfer than a waterhteam receiver. This translates into a smaller, more efficient, and lower cost receiver and support tower. In addition, the relatively inexpensive salt can be stored in large tanks at atmospheric pressure, allowing 1) economic and efficient storage of thermal power collected early in the day for use during peak demand periods; 2) increased plant capacity factor by oversizing of the collector and receiver systems with storage of the excess thermal energy for electricity generation in the evening; 3) isolation of the turbine-generator from solar energy transients; and 4) operation of the turbine at maximum efficiency. If necessary, a molten salt system can be hybridized with fossil fuel in a number of possible configurations to meet demand requirements when the sun is not shining.