KEYWORDS: High temperature molten salt pump


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Cold Tank Design

release time:2017/05/16 clicks:

    It is designed to contain molten salt up to 300°C and hold a nitrogen head pressure of 5 psig. The tank is constructed from carbon steel schedule 80 pipe with a wall thickness 1. The bottom of the tank uses structural firebrick for load bearing. The sides of the tank are surrounded by Kaowool insulation for good thermal conductivity. Fibrefrax is added to the top of the tank to reduce heat loss out of the lid; however the protrusions from the lid which include the pump are expected to contribute to significant heat loss. The design of the tank lid can be seen, which shows the layout of the flanges which connect to all the equipment penetrating through the lid into the tank. Three thermocouple trees consisting of three thermocouples clustered together have also been added to the top of the tank. Each thermocouple is spaced 5” down the depth of the tank . More detail on the cold tank design and construction can be found in the D4 deliverable report.