KEYWORDS: High temperature molten salt pump


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Heat exchanger of the molten salt system

release time:2017/06/06 clicks:

One of the main components to be tested was the flat plate heat exchanger, working at counter-flow, to transfer the thermal energy from the HTF to the salts, and with a power of 2.1 MW/ th . It was installed horizontally on a steel platform on top of the tanks, with a slight slope to allow drainage in case of failure.

Given that flat plate heat exchangers are those with higher efficiency, this was the type of heat exchanger chosen in this project, in this case with corrugated stainless steel plates. According to the manufacturer, the heat exchanger would allow a heat exchange efficiency of 95%, and it would allow an occasional increase of 4% by volume of the fluids conducted in case of freezing and subsequent melting of the salts.