Technology article



Process parameters of molten salt pump

    Process parameters of molten salt pump are the most important basis to select pump. Process parameters should be based on the process flow, equipment capacity, system requirements and performance parameters to carefully determine.
    (1) Flow Q
    The flow of molten salt pump refers to the medium quality that it requires pump to delivery in the process device production. Process’s workers generally should give normal, minimum and maximum flow.
    Pump data sheet is often only given the normal and rated flow. When you select the pump, the requirements of the maximum flow rate is not less than the maximum flow, or take the normal flow of 1.1 ~ 1.15 times.
    (2) Head H
    Head of molten salt pump refers to the process that it is required for the head value. It is also known as the head of the calculation. Rated head of the pump is generally required for the head that the equipment needs the head 1.05 to 1.1 times.
    (3) Import pressure Ps and export pressure Pd
    Import and export pressure of the molten salt pump is pressure that it is in the inlet and outlet nozzle flange.   Inlet and outlet pressure size affect the casing pressure and seal.
    (4) Temperature T
    Temperature refers to the inlet temperature of the pump. The pump generally should be given normal, the minimum and maximum temperature of pump inlet medium in the process.
    (5) Cavitation margin NPSHa of the device
    It is also known as effective cavitation margin.
    (6) Operation status
    The operation state is divided into two kinds: continuous operation and intermittent operation.
    If you want to know more about the content of the molten salt pump, please see Warwick pump company official website:

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